Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Enjoy the Sénégalese Diet

For those who wish to live a day in the life of Megan aka Aminata, here is her daily diet:

9am Breakfast
1/3 french baguette with butter
1 cup coffee, made with powdered milk, nescafe and sugar

2pm Lunch
chebu gen bu honk (rice and fish in red sauce)

fish (whole)
cabbage, carrot, potatoes, onion, eggplant
small can tomato paste
garlic, salt, parsley, dried hot pepper, white bissap (if available)

Crush garlic, parsley, salt, pepper, and dried hot pepper.
Rinse fish and stuff with above mixture.
Heat oil in saucepan. Add chopped onions and salt. Cook till onion lightly brown.
Mix tomato paste with 1/2 cup water and add along with fish. Let simmer 5 minutes.
Add 6 cups water and vegetables, peeled and chopped into large pieces. Cook for one hour. Remove vegetables, fish and a little oily broth.
Use the remaining broth to cook the rice.
Serve and enjoy!

3pm Strong Sugared Green Tea

9pm Dinner (this meal varies but the these are the two favorites)
thiakry ie yogurt and a cereal made from millet (I've yet to find a recipe, the closest thing in America is grape nuts I think)
spaghetti with tomato sauce and fried eggs

Bon appetit!

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